Splitting up Liquibase JSON changelogs

09 September 2021

A quick trick to automatically split up large changelogs and group related changesets.

When migrating to Liquibase for your database deployments, a common practice is to create a starting point from an existing schema in a database using the generate-changelog command. This command generates a Liquibase changelog which will recreate your schema when you run $ liquibase update.

Unfortunately, at least in the open source version, this command generates a single file containing all the changes. I haven't tried the "Pro" version of Liquibase, but it can apparently split up the changelog by creating auxiliary files for the different types of database object.

If your existing schema already has a lot of tables, the generated changelog can be huge, even just for the tables, indexes, and foreign keys. This can be quite an organisational nightmare, and is difficult to read through manually.

But if you do want to split up your changelog, and you use the JSON changelog format, some jq magic might just do the trick. Combine it with some Bash and you can fully automate the splitting process that would be otherwise incredibly tedious.

Here's a jq program that splits up a single changelog into smaller changelogs that all relate to a single table - including the createTable, createIndex, and addForeignKeyConstraint changes:

# Define a function for mapping a changes onto its destination file name
# createTable and createIndex use the tableName field
# addForeignKeyConstraint uses baseTableName
# Default to using the name of the change, e.g. createSequence
def get_change_group: map(.tableName // .baseTableName)[0] // keys[0];

# Select the main changelog object
# Collect the changes from each changeSet into an array
| map(.changeSet.changes | .[])
# Group changes according to the grouping function
| group_by(get_change_group)
# Select the grouped objects from the array
| .[]
# Get the group name from each group
| (.[0] | get_change_group) as $group_name
# Select both the group name...
| $group_name,
# and the group, wrapped in a changeSet that uses the group name in the ID and
# the current user as the author
  { databaseChangelog: {
      changeSet: {
      id: ("table_" + $group_name),
      author: env.USER,
      changes: . } } }

Save this program as split_liquibase_changelog.jq. Using, e.g., a Bash script, you can use this to split changelogs into smaller files. But first, we need another program to generate a main changelog file. This one will simply include all of the generated changelogs:

Finally, here's a Bash script that ties it all together:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Example: ./split_liquibase_changelog.sh schema < changelog.json

set -e -o noclobber


# Create the output directory
mkdir --parents "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"

# --raw-output: don't quote the strings for the group names
# --compact-output: output one JSON object per line
jq \
    --raw-output \
    --compact-output \
    --from-file split_liquibase_changelog.jq \
| while read -r group; do # Read the group name line
    # Read the JSON object line
    read -r json
    # Process with jq again to pretty-print the object, then redirect it to the
    # new file
    (jq '.' <<< "$json") \
        > "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"/"$group".json

# List all the files in the input directory
# Run jq with --raw-input, so input is parsed as strings
# Create a changelog that includes everything in the input path
# Save the output to the desired output file
(jq \
    --raw-input \
    '{ databaseChangeLog: [
        { includeAll:
            { path: . }
     ] }' \
    <<< "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"/) \
    > "$OUTPUT_FILE"

Alternatively, if you'd prefer explicitly including each smaller changeset, instead use the following at the end of the script:

# List all the files in the input directory
# Run jq with:
# --null-input: don't read the input, so `inputs` refers to ALL the inputs
# --raw-input: parse input as strings
# Save the output to the desired output file
find "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" -type f \
| jq \
    --null-input \
    --raw-input \
    # Wrap all the inputs (file names) into an array
    # Create the main changelog object with an include for each file
    | { databaseChangeLog:
            include: {
                file: .
    ' \
    > "$OUTPUT_FILE"

Now you can run $ ./split_liquibase_changelog.sh schema schema.json < changelog.json and enjoy your beautifully organised changelogs! Make sure to check everything is correct and organised as you want it.

Feel free to adjust the programs if you want to tweak how things are organised, you may want to adjust:

Take a look at jqplay if you want to fiddle with jq programs.


Here's a contrived example based on my Nextcloud instance's database.

Generated changelog
{ "databaseChangeLog": [
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "1631138109568-75",
      "author": "william (generated)",
      "changes": [
          "createTable": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "autoIncrement": true,
                  "constraints": {
                    "nullable": false,
                    "primaryKey": true,
                    "primaryKeyName": "oc_news_feeds_pkey"
                  "name": "id",
                  "type": "BIGINT"
                "column": {
                  "constraints": {
                    "nullable": false
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "update_mode",
                  "type": "INTEGER"
              "tableName": "oc_news_feeds"
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "1631138109568-240",
      "author": "william (generated)",
      "changes": [
          "addForeignKeyConstraint": {
            "baseColumnNames": "feed_id",
            "baseTableName": "oc_news_items",
            "constraintName": "feed",
            "deferrable": false,
            "initiallyDeferred": false,
            "onDelete": "CASCADE",
            "onUpdate": "NO ACTION",
            "referencedColumnNames": "id",
            "referencedTableName": "oc_news_feeds",
            "validate": true
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "1631138109568-236",
      "author": "william (generated)",
      "changes": [
          "createIndex": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "last_modified"
              "indexName": "news_feeds_last_mod_idx",
              "tableName": "oc_news_feeds"
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "1631138109568-241",
      "author": "william (generated)",
      "changes": [
          "createIndex": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "last_modified"
              "indexName": "news_items_last_mod_idx",
              "tableName": "oc_news_items"

New files created after running split_liquibase_changelog.sh:

  "databaseChangelog": {
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "table_oc_news_feeds",
      "author": "william",
      "changes": [
          "createTable": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "autoIncrement": true,
                  "constraints": {
                    "nullable": false,
                    "primaryKey": true,
                    "primaryKeyName": "oc_news_feeds_pkey"
                  "name": "id",
                  "type": "BIGINT"
                "column": {
                  "constraints": {
                    "nullable": false
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "update_mode",
                  "type": "INTEGER"
            "tableName": "oc_news_feeds"
          "createIndex": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "last_modified"
            "indexName": "news_feeds_last_mod_idx",
            "tableName": "oc_news_feeds"
  "databaseChangelog": {
    "changeSet": {
      "id": "table_oc_news_items",
      "author": "william",
      "changes": [
          "addForeignKeyConstraint": {
            "baseColumnNames": "feed_id",
            "baseTableName": "oc_news_items",
            "constraintName": "feed",
            "deferrable": false,
            "initiallyDeferred": false,
            "onDelete": "CASCADE",
            "onUpdate": "NO ACTION",
            "referencedColumnNames": "id",
            "referencedTableName": "oc_news_feeds",
            "validate": true
          "createIndex": {
            "columns": [
                "column": {
                  "defaultValueNumeric": 0,
                  "name": "last_modified"
            "indexName": "news_items_last_mod_idx",
            "tableName": "oc_news_items"
  "databaseChangeLog": [
      "include": {
        "file": "schema/oc_news_items.json"
      "include": {
        "file": "schema/oc_news_feeds.json"